txacme.endpoint module

A TLS endpoint that supports SNI automatically issues / renews certificates via an ACME CA (eg. Let’s Encrypt).

class txacme.endpoint.AutoTLSEndpoint(reactor, directory, client_creator, cert_store, cert_mapping, sub_endpoint, check_interval=datetime.timedelta(1), reissue_interval=datetime.timedelta(30), panic_interval=datetime.timedelta(15), panic=<function _default_panic>, generate_key=<functools.partial object>)[source]

A server endpoint that does TLS SNI, with certificates automatically (re)issued from an ACME certificate authority.

  • reactor – The Twisted reactor.
  • directorytwisted.python.url.URL for the ACME directory to use for issuing certs.
  • client_creator (Callable[[reactor, twisted.python.url.URL], Deferred[txacme.client.Client]]) – A callable called with the reactor and directory URL for creating the ACME client. For example, partial(Client.from_url, key=acme_key, alg=RS256).
  • cert_store (ICertificateStore) – The certificate store containing the certificates to manage. For example, txacme.store.DirectoryStore.
  • cert_mapping (dict) – The certificate mapping to use for SNI; for example, txsni.snimap.HostDirectoryMap. Usually this should correspond to the same underlying storage as cert_store.
  • check_interval (timedelta) – How often to check for expiring certificates.
  • reissue_interval (timedelta) – If a certificate is expiring in less time than this interval, it will be reissued.
  • panic_interval (timedelta) – If a certificate is expiring in less time than this interval, and reissuing fails, the panic callback will be invoked.
  • panic (Callable[[Failure, str], Deferred]) – A callable invoked with the failure and server name when reissuing fails for a certificate expiring in the panic_interval. For example, you could generate a monitoring alert. The default callback logs a message at CRITICAL level.
  • generate_key – A 0-arg callable used to generate a private key for a new cert. Normally you would not pass this unless you have specialized key generation requirements.

Start an issuing service, and wait until initial issuing is complete.