txacme.challenges package

Module contents

class txacme.challenges.HTTP01Responder[source]

An http-01 challenge responder for txsni.

start_responding(server_name, challenge, response)[source]

Add the child resource.

stop_responding(server_name, challenge, response)[source]

Remove the child resource.

class txacme.challenges.LibcloudDNSResponder(reactor, thread_pool, driver, zone_name, settle_delay)[source]

A dns-01 challenge responder using libcloud.


Some libcloud backends are broken with regard to TXT records at the time of writing; the Route 53 backend, for example. This makes them unusable with this responder.


This implementation relies on invoking libcloud in a thread, so may not be entirely production quality.

classmethod create(reactor, driver_name, username, password, zone_name=None, settle_delay=60.0)[source]

Create a responder.

  • reactor – The Twisted reactor to use for threading support.
  • driver_name (str) – The name of the libcloud DNS driver to use.
  • username (str) – The username to authenticate with (the meaning of this is driver-specific).
  • password (str) – The username to authenticate with (the meaning of this is driver-specific).
  • zone_name (str) – The zone name to respond in, or None to automatically detect zones. Usually auto-detection should be fine, unless restricting responses to a single specific zone is desired.
  • settle_delay (float) – The time, in seconds, to allow for the DNS provider to propagate record changes.
start_responding(server_name, challenge, response)[source]

Install a TXT challenge response record.

stop_responding(server_name, challenge, response)[source]

Remove a TXT challenge response record.

class txacme.challenges.TLSSNI01Responder[source]

A tls-sni-01 challenge responder for txsni.

start_responding(server_name, challenge, response)[source]

Put a context into the mapping.

stop_responding(server_name, challenge, response)[source]

Remove a context from the mapping.


Wrap a txsni host mapping.

The wrapper should be passed to txsni.snimap.SNIMap; any active challenge server names will override entries in the wrapped map, but this scenario is unlikely to occur due to the invalid nature of these names.